There are several benefits of Soursop also known as Guanabana fruit in Spanish. This fruit is filled with antioxidants that are very useful for your body and research says that it helps in reducing eye diseases. Studies show that this fruit carries phytonutrients which are extensively found in the fruit. These are rich with antioxidant compounds like alkaloids, flavonoids, saponins, terpenoids, coumarins, lactones, cardiac glycosides, phenols, anthraquinones, tannins and phytosterols. All these antoxidants are very helpful in fighting and curing the disease causing cells and tumors as well.
Age Related Eye Diseases Cured:
Any age related eye diseases can be cured by the anitoxidants of Guanabana Fruit. The National Eye Institute found that the antioxidants are very useful when consumed as it contains a mixture of vitamin C and E along with zinc and beta carotene.
This is a useful combination that helps in lowering the risk of any development of age related macular degeneration by 25 percent. The fruit reveals anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. Even the leaves f this fruit are useful for the anti-inflammatory properties in them on addition to the antimicrobial features that makes the fruit a versatile anti-inflammatory food.
Some Other Revelations:
Studies have also indicated the Soursop can be used as a natural anti-infection treatment of root canals. In most cases to prevent any infections on the root canal sodium hypochlorite is used which is a dangerous chemical and is actually a bleaching material. This poses different health hazards and can be overcome by the use of graviola for irrigating root canal.